"Fear no more the heat of the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages.
Thou on earth thy time hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages.
Golden lads and lasses must,
Like chimneysweepers, come to dust."
I've written that from memory, so there may be a mistake or two in there : it's the song from Cymbeline. I remember one of our supervisors on the Shakespeare paper at uni, who managed to scare the shit out of Paul Weeks and myself with sheer colossal erudition, when we got to the last scene of the Winter's Tale, he just got us to read it aloud. Good man; there's poetry / poetic theatre whose magic runs so deep that you just have to let the words work their spell. And Delyth's playing captures this.
The rest of the CD is as good, particularly if you like Under Milk Wood.
"Llais" ( "Voice" in English ) is on Steam Pie Records.
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